
  • Where's This Train Going?

    I’m currently reading Julian Havil’s book Curves for the Mathematically Curious. The chapter on Euler’s spiral (which I’ve always known as the Cornu spiral) had a comment which reminded me of my days at Applicon.

  • Rust -> WebAssembly

    OK, time for another teapot. This one is a combination of the two in this earlier post. The code which creates the geometry of the teapot is copied from the Rust example, and the code which does the rendering is copied from the WebGL example.

  • Recursive Pentagons

    I was reading Roger Penrose’s old Pentaplexity paper recently. It’s about the history of his famous nonperiodic tile set. But I was particularly struck by one of the diagrams showing how he started by subdividing pentagons recursively. I wanted an interactive version to play with, so I made this. You can play with it here on github pages.

  • Hex Tiles

    I was playing around with the path tiles again. This type I made a page that creates a grid of random Hexagon/1 tiles for you and then lets you edit them. You can find it at this github page.

  • Eisenstein Primes

    If you’re anything like me, as soon as you saw the patterns I was talking about yesterday in the Gaussian primes, you wanted to know whether there were similar patterns in the Eisenstein primes. So I made this to find out.

  • Gaussian Primes

    John D Cook recently had a post on his blog about a Stack Overflow thread about some interesting patterns in the Gaussian primes. I had gotten really interested in Gaussian primes after reading Martin Weissman’s wonderful book, so I knew I needed to make an interactive toy to play with the patterns. Since I’d just been doing this project in SVG & React, I used those. The result is here. I also deployed it to this github page so you can play with it too.

  • Tile Explorer

    About 8 years ago I got interested in games like Tsuro & Tongiaki. In particular, I was interested in the combinatorics of the tiles. How many unique tiles are there for each different shape of tile? The answer is related to sequence A132100 of the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. While I was playing around with that, I spent a lot of time drawing different tiles using a simple Processing sketch which I wrote. I posted that here, but it has gotten kind of crufty and hard to keep running because of Java-rot.

  • Yet Another Teapot

    I’ve been spending some time with React lately. Naturally, that meant that I needed to do another teapot. I found the React Three Fiber project which provides a react renderer that makes it really easy to plug three.js content into a React app. So I used that to make this github page. You can find the source here, but it could really use a cleanup pass.

  • React, D3, & Github Pages

    For something I’m working on, I needed to figure out how to create a React app that uses D3 and deploys to a github page. I couldn’t find a good example that had all of those pieces together, so I did a bit of hacking and came up with this. That creates a simple line chart using employment data from FRED. A simple npm run deploy will push it to this github page.

  • hexmirror

    Here’s a thing I made.

  • Polyhedra

    I love polyhedra. When I needed test cases for printing at Formlabs, I would often write a script to generate some interesting polyhedra. As a result, I have a crazy collection of these motley scripts scattered all over my laptop. I finally found the time to sweep them all together into one place.

  • Hello Teapots!

    Someone I work with once said that instead of “Hello World!”, I write “Hello Teapot!”.

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